- Women's Running Community - WRC Jeannine Burgess Czop you are so inspiring. Have you ever consulted with an orthotist to see if some kind of ankle foot orthosis would help with your drop foot? Also I love what you said about running "I have been dx'd for 21yrs now. I was just a baby at 21 when this monster hit. Running helps so much not only physically but mentally as well. I am still learning new ways to cope everyday, running is the best one yet. I'm not fast and it's not pretty, but man I do love it!" Do you mind if I share this with the rest of the community? You are amazing. Good luck and God bless.It's very hard for me to see myself as a inspiration to others. They only see what I write, and not the turmoil I often feel about myself and how I handle this disease. When I write it comes from a pure honesty in my heart. I only hope that the things I put down can somehow inspire, or even soothe another soul, and to recieve feed back like this makes me smile.During this time of Lent I am making a consciousness effort to make others feel good about themselves too. Maybe just a small comment to a stranger about their cute shoes, or a heartfelt "thank you " note to a fellow dance mom who drove my daughter home one day. Telling a waitstaff's manager what a great job they did. It really is the little things that make a difference in my life and hopefully in other's also.Little accomplishments like getting out of bed when my body says "no don't", actually remembering to bring my grocery list to the store, finding the right word in a conversation without stuttering or talking jibberish, staying up past 10pm, pushing on that extra 1/10 of a mile during a run. Some folks can take all these things for granted, but not me. I basically throw myself a ticker-Tate parade for this stuff.My wish is that anyone who reads this today whether they are religious minded or not will take these next 40 days to appreciate the little things and make someone feel good about themselves. And after 40 days it should be a wonderful habit.Oh and P.S. if you love to run, just getting started, or are just looking for some inspiration check out the Women's Running Community page on Facebook.

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